Saturday 5 January 2013

Black Intellectual

"They speak of Being a Black Intellectual as if it were a crime. As if the words Black and Intellectual dont rhyme.
They speak of The Mind as if it were purely designed for Being Radical-Political, As if Sex were just for Procreation.

Black Intellectual, Writing for the sake of Writing.
Thinking for the sake of thinking.
Politicalising because you have to. . .

Poor Black Intellectual, how everyone foresakes you for merely existing.
Like an Appendix they label you, for purely existing.

These Poor Black Intellectuals imprisoned by their own race. Masked by its people, ashamed to look at their own face.

Educated, Privilleged and well-read.
The Poor Black Intellectual moves amongst all races,pink and green alike.
Amassing wealth and friends who
adore him, honour her but they all despise him alike.

Poor Black Intellectual, The Black-Sheep of the Black-Sheep
Maybe One Day they'll see the Black In The Diamond, actually Maybe not. . .this is Black Society Poor Black Intellectual."

by No Home for Black-Intellectuals