Sunday 29 December 2013

How Priviliged Am I

How privileged am I?

Danone, 2 Computers, Books, French Slippers & French Fries for Breakfast?
How privileged am I?
English accent registers 'highly articulate!
How privileged am I?
Internet access, full time porn access.
Watching Beyonce Videos like Europeans musing over the Mona Lisa :-)
How privileged am I?
Black man in a 'white world'. . .
Had the privileged of dating a White Girl in this white world.
How privileged am I?
Xhosa intellect "Clever Black mentality' the race with the X-Factor
Chromosones so you know I'ma put an X next to ANC
How privileged am I?
Wait till you see the conditions of most of my people
How privileged am I?
5 people sleeping in 1 room and no it ain't an orgy!
3 rooms all to myself and you blame me for being a 'Georgy Porgy'?
How privileged am I?
I have the time to write poetry! Damn I'm high up on Maslows Hierarchy?
How privileged am I?
Ask the Children in Sudan and the DRC?

#BlackAristocrats #NoShameNoGame #SupportSudan #SupportSouthAfrica

@SMnukwa Inc 2013

Friday 13 December 2013

After Mandela

The leaders we have today are a product of many years of slavery,colonisation, apartheid and a corrupt economic system which makes any leader seem like a bad leader.

Or maybe the leaders are a reflection of the people they govern. . .and in that case perhaps it is the people that must change in order that better leaders may be produced from within the populace!

13 Deca 2013 A.M(After Mandela)
Reflections on Leadership

Monday 14 October 2013

South Africa-Azania !!!

I think I'm learning every day that South Africa is a very diverse country in all its aspects and that's the reality of it!

You can be in Orlando West on Vilakazi Street @ Sakhumzi and feel like you're are in Sandton, and then drive a few kilometres away in Kliptown with shacks and pigs drinking from muddy reef water. . . and this pattern repeats itself throughout S.A!

For some of us who were born into both worlds (Attended a Semi-Private School while living in Soweto) where by-day we were  city-kids and by-night we were kasi-kids it really didn't matter! Our eyes were to 'blind' to see or measure if our reality was not 'enough'. . .

Of course the effects of these conditions only show themselves later in life when you realise that there is a Economic and Political environment rooted in History and Power struggles. And this is where it gets interesting because when you realise this environment exists you have a choice to make . . .

"The Whole Worlds a Stage; the people the players. To be or Not to be? That is the Questions" - Sir William/Francis Bacon Shakespeare

Tuesday 14 May 2013

The Eye In I

Wow. The Eye in I. The Soul sees why. Silent but presence. Forever focused and Present. The Eye in I watches over thee like a storm cloud above a rain dance. Raise hands to the sky if you thinks external. Bow down on your knees if you perceive it is superior. . .

Or perhaps find one with whom you think your vibrations resonate. Musical cord strings, the lyrical Heart makes our Being wana levitate. . .

Hold my hand now gentle. Pull me close just slowly.
Look me Eye to Eye.
Now kiss me, and feel the I in I.

Inspired by Tupacs- Depth in Solitude

Sunday 21 April 2013


Some people who enter our lives become permanent residents of our hearts. Their existence and presence becomes like a tattoo on our Souls. Though we may attempt to erase them, the mark of permanence created by love seals the bond we share with them; a bond that often frustrates the mind because it defies logic and reason- A truth we never easily accept.

Truly the virtues of the Soul demand that we learn to let go and accept that Love has its own reasons and purpose.


Picture taken from

Wednesday 27 March 2013

The Sea-ty-

You are there and I am here...

Seperated by  a sea of what only you know, people only you see and things only you feel

I look into your eyes and realize - I can't read your mind and as Shakespeare said "There is no tool to find the minds construction in the face". . .

Face to face
Though sometimes it hurts I continue to stand beside you

There is no rational cause to the path we've walked, my only hope is that I never lose faith in what we have

That my hand never slips from yours
That my mind never finds a new love to drift too
And lastly that our hearts continue to remember the song they once sung together

By 01

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Credo Mutwas Pledge

"When kings are slain, and a pope is sent to
when on a marble slab..a murdered princess
a pale sacrifice to the beasts that rule the
When out of the sky a stricken warplane falls,
trailing behind it long bridal veils of flame,
as missiles rage and red hot cannon roar...
When the battle tank briefly rules the blood
drenched plains,
an iron tyrant on another's stolen throne...
and it's long cannon shatters the trembling
skies with sound,
When nameless soldiers die friendless and
in Africa's valleys or Kosovo's snow-bound
and whole tribes perish of hunger, disease and
When money is built into a jail to hold
and love has died and compassion is unknown...
and lies become truth... and truth becomes a lie
in a nameless city
When, in streets who have no love,
numberless children know hunger and abuse...
In countless homes where brute force rules
women have become blood-spattered slaves,
strangers to love, healing and respect,
strangers to the gentle and comforting word...
Whose guilty shoulders must bear
the heavy beam of crucifixion, all the ill we see?
Whose quivering back must bear the barbed
For all the evil and all the pain we have known
my Earth this on Freemasons are there Weavers
of lies, brewers of lies, who can strike at people
with weapons of the night
against which no armour and no shield can
The written word is their poison-coated sword,
the tinkeling coin their cull and crop of maize...
Murderers of nations, Africa's deadliest foes,
I curse your footsteps wherever you may go,
In whichever cave or dungheap you may hide,
I curse you all...may Heaven blast your eyes.
Tell Jabulon, the demon you call God,
Nomabhunu's son defies him to his face,
I swear by the stones on my mother's sacred
that as from this moment, I will fight you to the
Against your kind, against your Masters too,
I will not cease to raise the Sword of Light.
For all you have done and all you have yet to do,
I will fight you to the ending of my days....."
Credo Mutwa

Saturday 5 January 2013

Black Intellectual

"They speak of Being a Black Intellectual as if it were a crime. As if the words Black and Intellectual dont rhyme.
They speak of The Mind as if it were purely designed for Being Radical-Political, As if Sex were just for Procreation.

Black Intellectual, Writing for the sake of Writing.
Thinking for the sake of thinking.
Politicalising because you have to. . .

Poor Black Intellectual, how everyone foresakes you for merely existing.
Like an Appendix they label you, for purely existing.

These Poor Black Intellectuals imprisoned by their own race. Masked by its people, ashamed to look at their own face.

Educated, Privilleged and well-read.
The Poor Black Intellectual moves amongst all races,pink and green alike.
Amassing wealth and friends who
adore him, honour her but they all despise him alike.

Poor Black Intellectual, The Black-Sheep of the Black-Sheep
Maybe One Day they'll see the Black In The Diamond, actually Maybe not. . .this is Black Society Poor Black Intellectual."

by No Home for Black-Intellectuals