Monday 24 December 2012

Of Bitches and Witches

There are Gods and there are Goddesses. Raised to be Gods and taught to view Goddesses as mere witches.

The Cross on which 'witches' were woven into our subconscious minds. . .
What was once sacred was labelled as tainted by Holy-Houses that Hung and Burnt Goddesses for their powers.
Instead these powers were used to perform secret rituals were virgins were used as whores and sacrificed to Holy-Gods that moved in Holy-Darkness.

Now this may seem like a myth but myths always find a way to reawaken into reality!

These Goddesses that firstly fell and turned into Guardian Angels were then demonized and become Mermaids! Mermaids that were once beautiful and sang songs of Rhythm and Peace became sirens that seduced men and made them weak. . .

Oh! Was that Eve hidden in metaphor?
or was that Mary Magdelene clothed in Marys 'Purity'?
Or was that just an excuse by the Holey-church to kill dolphins and rape Mother Nature?

6000years later these witches are placed in boxes and called bitches! Their bodies are 'Hot!'!
Constantly on Heat so how can we not rape them?
How can we just let them walk infront of us and tempt us?

But oh holy-priest lead us not into temptation!
lead us not into temptation!

This fire burns between my thighs and i cannot do douse this flame!
So create religions that hide her beauty, secret societies that use her kundalini, psychologies that teach her guilt and give her love and culture that keep her Human!
I pray she never remembers who she realy is. . .

Oh! What shame? What disgust these women bring to Earthly family!

Or have we gotten that she births the whole World and yet we call men God. . .

Written By ZerOne

Of Bitches and Witches

#goddesses #women #love

Sunday 9 December 2012


Do you know that you have wings? Or do they know you have wings, and they use that against you? By enducing high levels of energy,emotion or though do we access kundalini unconsciousness? - Can we learn to use our wings?

just a thought

Redbull gives you wings- What is found in redbull is the herb - ginseng which means 'mans herb' because of its shape. it comes frm the plant genus Panax that mans 'all heal'. now, is redbull using kundalini energy for its own purpose by promising us wings and 'energy'? can kundalini be manipulated through the mind? are we aware of our kundalini and its presence. . .

Saturday 1 December 2012

Its just as nice!

Its Just as Nice !

Trust me, i know!

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